
Traffic Department to begin new stricter enforcement

Medhat Quraytam, head of the Traffic Directorate, said that the new traffic law will be applied firmly and that the traffic police will be everywhere, equipped with radar cameras to warn drivers of speeding rather than collect traffic tickets.

“If we reconcile with driving the wrong way we would be granting licenses to kill,” he said, adding that 65 percent of road accidents occur from human error.
He said the fine for driving the wrong way is LE1000 to LE3000 or imprisonment, for not wearing the seatbelt is LE300, for speeding on highways LE150, and for using the mobile phone while driving LE100 to LE300.
“The money goes to the state treasury with part to the Interior Ministry,” he said, adding that 250 surveillance cameras will be installed in Cairo in the coming six months.
“Road accidents killed 6,700 people in 2013 and injured 22,397 others,” he said.
“We must learn the traffic culture and change our behavior for the benefit of society,” he said. 
“We will have tracks for bicycles and we will remove all stickers from cars, not just the religious ones,” he said.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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