
e-Campaign launched globally promote Egyptian tourist destinations for the winter season

e-Campaign launched globally promote Egyptian tourist destinations for the winter season

Under the title Sunny Christmas, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, represented by the Egyptian Tourism Promotion Authority. The Launching…
Russian FM: Security talks with US, NATO to start next month

Russian FM: Security talks with US, NATO to start next month

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian and US negotiators will sit down for talks early next year to discuss Moscow’s demand for…
Russian pipeline faces big hurdles amid Ukraine tensions

Russian pipeline faces big hurdles amid Ukraine tensions

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — The pipeline is built and being filled with natural gas. But Russia’s Nord Stream 2 faces…
Putin blames West for tensions, demands security guarantees

Putin blames West for tensions, demands security guarantees

MOSCOW (AP) — The Russian president on Tuesday reiterated his demand for guarantees from the US and its allies that…
Prosecutors start closing arguments in Dutch murder trial over downed MH17 flight

Prosecutors start closing arguments in Dutch murder trial over downed MH17 flight

AMSTERDAM, Dec 20 (Reuters) – Dutch prosecutors on Monday began three days of closing arguments during which they will make…
Moscow bans import of vegetables from various countries including Egypt

Moscow bans import of vegetables from various countries including Egypt

The Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) in Moscow has stopped the supply of various…
Hurghada receives 14 flights from Russia on Friday

Hurghada receives 14 flights from Russia on Friday

Fourteen regular and charter flights arrived on Friday coming from Russia to Hurghada International Airport according to the operating schedules…
Russia hands proposals to US on security guarantees, Kremlin says

Russia hands proposals to US on security guarantees, Kremlin says

MOSCOW, Dec 15 (Reuters) – Russia handed the United States concrete proposals for binding security guarantees that it wants from…
EXPLAINER: Moscow’s rocky relationship with NATO alliance

EXPLAINER: Moscow’s rocky relationship with NATO alliance

MOSCOW (AP) — A Russian military buildup near Ukraine has raised fears in Kyiv and the West that Moscow might…
Putin and Biden agreed to hold more talks despite disagreements, says Kremlin

Putin and Biden agreed to hold more talks despite disagreements, says Kremlin

MOSCOW, Dec 12 (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Joe Biden have agreed to hold more…
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