Donald Trump

Travel ban: US to again conditionally admit refugees from 11 nations

Travel ban: US to again conditionally admit refugees from 11 nations

The US will resume admitting refugees from countries that it said posed increased security risks. Officials will apply extra vetting…
Battered but still loyal to Trump, Sessions endures as AG

Battered but still loyal to Trump, Sessions endures as AG

Jeff Sessions was in his office, looking unusually deflated. He had just received another public lashing from President Donald Trump.…
Tillerson seeks to show ‘America First’ isn’t America alone

Tillerson seeks to show ‘America First’ isn’t America alone

As President Donald Trump declared that “America First does not mean America alone” at a global economic forum in Switzerland,…
Trump in Switzerland to play salesman at economic summit

Trump in Switzerland to play salesman at economic summit

Armed with his “America First” philosophy, President Donald Trump arrived in Switzerland on Thursday to tout his economic agenda at…
Trump ‘looking forward’ to being questioned under oath

Trump ‘looking forward’ to being questioned under oath

President Donald Trump declared he’s “looking forward” to being questioned — under oath — in the special counsel’s probe of…
Turkey disputes White House readout of Trump-Erdogan call
Middle East

Turkey disputes White House readout of Trump-Erdogan call

Turkish officials are disputing a White House readout of US President Donald Trump’s phone call with Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan…
21 groups warn US against Palestinian refugee funding cuts
Middle East

21 groups warn US against Palestinian refugee funding cuts

The leaders of 21 international humanitarian groups have urged the US to reconsider its decision to withhold $65 million from…
Donald Trump warns Turkey over Syria incursion: White House
Middle East

Donald Trump warns Turkey over Syria incursion: White House

The US president has told his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan to rein in the offensive in Syria’s Kurdish enclave…
CIA director interviewed in special counsel’s Russia probe: NBC

CIA director interviewed in special counsel’s Russia probe: NBC

CIA Director Mike Pompeo has been questioned by the special counsel’s office investigating alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US…
Democrats vote to temporarily end US government shutdown

Democrats vote to temporarily end US government shutdown

Both the US Senate and the House have voted to restore funding to government agencies — for now. Democrats are…
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