
MP Ezz excoriates Muslim Brotherhood

Leaders of the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) lashed out at the Muslim Brotherhood yesterday during the NDP’s sixth annual general congress. The most ferocious criticism directed at Egypt’s largest opposition group came from Ahmed Ezz, chairman of the membership committee of the NDP.

“Extremist trends do not exercise political tolerance,” Ezz said, nor do they practice politics in a friendly manner, but rather, they form student militias. “They do not practice politics in a positive way, but rather withdraw from parliamentary sessions and stage sit-ins outside of it,” he added.

“Those who look after the interests of the nation do not prefer a non-Egyptian Muslim to a non-Muslim Egyptian. Democracy will not come from the [Brotherhood’s] Guidance Bureau. Democracy for them is based on the principle of one man, one vote, one time,” said Ezz.

Continuing his attack, Ezz suggested that the Islamist trends do not apply a specific economic approach, but rather impose a uniform view on men and women, and the application of one religion for all leaders. “Those who disagree with them are not just political opponents; they are religious opponents who oppose the orders of God,” he stressed.

He further described the NDP deputies as the first line of defense against extremist groups, which he said, have refused to increase the salaries of state civil servants, set aside seats for women or even condemn female circumcision. “The opposition plans to unify its efforts to defeat the NDP in the upcoming parliamentary elections, but we are ready,” he stressed.

Wrapping up his attack, Ezz concluded, “parties and opposition will face a new NDP in the elections … we will not allow the breakup of votes and if our candidates are committed, we will settle the elections in our favor from the first round.”

Translated from the Arabic Edition.

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