Famous Egyptologist and former Minister of Antiquities Zahi Hawass announced the failure to find the tomb of Queen Cleopatra.
Hawass said in an interview with the Masrawy website that he had been searching for Cleopatra’s tomb with archaeologist Dr. Kathleen Martinez for 11 years.
“But after this period, the mission left…there is no evidence that can be followed to discover the tomb in the Taposiris Magna temple west of Alexandria,” he added.
Scientists had revealed in a documentary that a site in the Nile Delta in Egypt could provide new clues to the whereabouts of the last resting place of the famous Queen Cleopatra.
The search for Cleopatra’s tomb has been ongoing for centuries, and there have been many theories about its location. Archaeologists have not found Cleopatra’s tomb, but they believe it is located somewhere near Alexandria.
Some believe that the tomb is located in the underwater ruins of Alexandria, while others believe that it is hidden in the desert.
The discovery of Cleopatra’s tomb would be a major archaeological find and would shed new light on her life and death.
Cleopatra was the last queen of Egypt and one of the most famous rulers in history. She is famous for marrying the Roman emperor Julius Caesar. Cleopatra belonged to the Macedonian dynasty and descended from the general Ptolemy, who became King of Egypt during the division of Alexander the Great’s empire, and saw Hellenistic civilization flourish on the banks of the Nile.
The queen committed suicide in 53 BC after being arrested by the Roman ruler Octavian in the Egyptian city of Alexandria.
According to legend, Cleopatra had her servants smuggle poisonous snakes into her temporary cell, and one of them bit her to death.
Additional reporting source: The British newspaper The Sun.