Al-Masry Al-Youm Staff

Forensic report: Cabinet protesters killed by live ammunition

Forensic report: Cabinet protesters killed by live ammunition

The Forensic Medicine Authority has completed 10 forensic reports detailing how protesters were killed during bloody clashes last week on…
Brotherhood calls on youth to give SCAF and PM a chance

Brotherhood calls on youth to give SCAF and PM a chance

Egypt's youth should give the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and Prime Minister Kamal al-Ganzouri a chance to…
Hundreds perform prayers for student shot dead by security forces

Hundreds perform prayers for student shot dead by security forces

Hundreds of Ain Shams University students on Thursday gathered outside Rabaa al-Adaweya Mosque in Nasr City to perform prayers for…
Brotherhood looking to back presidential candidate

Brotherhood looking to back presidential candidate

The Muslim Brotherhood announced Thursday it is looking for a candidate to support in the presidential election scheduled for June.…
Official estimates pin voter participation in runoff elections at 20%

Official estimates pin voter participation in runoff elections at 20%

Voter participation in the runoff of the second round of elections will not exceed 20 percent, the Cabinet’s Information and…
Foreign Ministry: We won’t accept US interference

Foreign Ministry: We won’t accept US interference

Pointing to an earlier statement by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in defense of Egyptian women, Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel…
UAE to transfer rare manuscripts to Egyptian Scientific Institute

UAE to transfer rare manuscripts to Egyptian Scientific Institute

The Dr. Sultan Al-Qasimi Center of Gulf Studies in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, has announced that it is preparing to…
Experts question government efforts to promote investment

Experts question government efforts to promote investment

Investors and experts have criticized a recent announcement by Prime Minister Kamal al-Ganzouri that the government is seeking to attract…
Ministers accused of trumping up charges in cabinet clashes

Ministers accused of trumping up charges in cabinet clashes

Egyptian prosecutors on Wednesday began investigating accusations that two of Egypt's new ministers trumped up charges against suspects arrested for…
Ain Shams University students march on Defense Ministry

Ain Shams University students march on Defense Ministry

About 2000 Ain Shams University students marched from their campus Wednesday to the Defense Ministry to protest recent security attacks…
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