Zawya Cinema will re-screen “Hob Albanat” (Girls’ Love, 2004) at seven pm on Sunday based on popular demand alongside “Khali Balak min ZoZo” (Watch Out for ZouZou, 1972) on Monday at 9:30 pm.
“Girls’ Love”, directed by Khaled al-Hajar, was re-screened for the first time on Valentine’s Day, February 14, which also coincided with the twentieth anniversary of the film’s release.
This came after the Audio-Visual Restoration Center at the Media Production City carried out digital restoration and color correction operations for the film, using the latest scientific equipment and methods to reach the highest levels of quality.
The film was also screened on February 18 and 20, after popular demand to return it to the show.
“Watch Out for ZouZou” was directed by Hassan al-Imam and achieved record revenues since its release. It continued to be shown in cinemas in Egypt for an entire year, and has gone down in history as one of the 100 best films in all of Egyptian cinema.