With the approach of winter, the chances of contracting respiratory diseases and viruses increase, including the influenza virus and the respiratory syncytial virus.
The ministry advised to pay attention to proper nutrition, avoid crowded places, and adhere to home isolation in the event of respiratory symptoms.
Thee Health Ministry confirmed that children from the age of one month to one year are most vulnerable to respiratory diseases, and in the event of symptoms of sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, sore throat, diarrhea and vomiting, the child should visit the doctor immediately.
RSV prevention
After the increase in RSV infections and detection among 73 percent of children, the need to follow prevention guidelines that protect against RSV and other infectious diseases during winter, including influenza and colds is more important than ever.
One of the most important guidelines is to protect children from exposure to weather fluctuations and provide them with good nutrition and thick clothes, according to the Health Ministry.
The ministry stressed to make sure that children are covered well while sleeping and dressed appropriately for the outside.
What you need to know about the Respiratory syncytial virus
The official spokesperson for Health Ministry Hossam Abdel-Ghaffar, revealed that RSV is transmitted through droplets or touching surfaces, or through direct contact with patients.
He explained that the virus usually spreads among children at an early age, from birth to two years of age, but it may also infect adults.
Health Ministry advised to avoid kissing children to protect them from respiratory diseases, and adults to obtain vaccines against coronavirus and seasonal influenza.
In school, students are advised to eat food brought from home, drink from their own water bottle and wash hands frequently.
Ways to increase immunity include drinking lots of fluids, eating eating fruits rich in vitamin C such as oranges and lemons, having a nutritious diet in general, staying in well-ventilated places and directly avoiding cold weather.