
Mild spring weather expected Thursday

Mild spring weather expected Thursday

According to the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA), mild spring weather is expected on Thursday on the North Coast and in…
Navigation allowed in Alexandria, Dekheila seaports

Navigation allowed in Alexandria, Dekheila seaports

The Alexandria Port Authority decided on Tuesday to open the Alexandria and Dekheila ports for navigation after weather conditions improved.…
Moderate weather expected for Wednesday

Moderate weather expected for Wednesday

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority expects mild spring weather to prevail on Wednesday on the North Coast, moderate in the rest…
Pleasant spring weather on Tuesday

Pleasant spring weather on Tuesday

Pleasant spring weather is expected in northern and central Egypt on Tuesday, whereas moderate temperatures will prevail in Upper Egypt…
Alexandria straits remain closed over violent winds

Alexandria straits remain closed over violent winds

Authorities at the Alexandria seaport decided to continue the closure of the Alexandria and Dekheila straits for a third day…
Alexandria, Daqahlia and Sukhna sea ports closed for bad weather

Alexandria, Daqahlia and Sukhna sea ports closed for bad weather

The Alexandria Port Authority decided on Friday to keep the Alexandria and Daqahlia sea ports closed for the second day in…
Four seaports closed in Suez due to weather conditions

Four seaports closed in Suez due to weather conditions

Four seaports in Suez province have been closed due to low visibility caused by dust storms and high winds, according…
Significant drop in temperature, dusty winds expected Thursday

Significant drop in temperature, dusty winds expected Thursday

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority experts expect a significant drop in temperatures accompanied by active northwestern dusty wind throughout most parts…
Temperature to rise by 10C starting Tuesday

Temperature to rise by 10C starting Tuesday

The temperature throughout the country is expected to rise between 10-11C above normal during this time of the year, said…
Suez fishermen warn of heavy duststorms

Suez fishermen warn of heavy duststorms

An association of fishermen in Suez has warned of siroccos, hot and dusty winds, which started Tuesday and are expected…
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