Nature Conservation Egypt

Migratory birds passing through Egypt still threatened by wind farms, create job opportunities

Migratory birds passing through Egypt still threatened by wind farms, create job opportunities

As spring migratory season begins, hundreds of thousands of migratory birds will be flying back up to Europe through Egypt…
When migrating birds and wind turbines collide

When migrating birds and wind turbines collide

Egypt is a windy country, with wind speeds that can reach over 10 meters per second in certain strategic areas:…
Not just animal pictures: Wildlife in South Sinai

Not just animal pictures: Wildlife in South Sinai

As part of its monthly lecture series to raise awareness about environmental issues, Nature Conservation Egypt, an NGO dedicated to…
El Zabaleen pound Earth Day’s messages into concert audience

El Zabaleen pound Earth Day’s messages into concert audience

To celebrate Earth Day, the band El Zabaleen performed their annual show Sunday night at El Sawy Culture Wheel. El…
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