Ayman Nour

Brotherhood accused of falsely implicating political activist in thuggery

Brotherhood accused of falsely implicating political activist in thuggery

Activists have accused some members of the Muslim Brotherhood of falsely implicating a young man from the 25 January Revolution…
Egypt delegation visits Uganda to discuss Nile water

Egypt delegation visits Uganda to discuss Nile water

A delegation of 35 prominent Egyptians on Monday flew to Entebbe, Uganda in a private jet to discuss issues concerning…
Ayman Nour to form new political party

Ayman Nour to form new political party

Opposition leader Ayman Nour announced on Saturday plans to form a new liberal party to gather together all the liberal…
Court rules against canceling constitutional referendum

Court rules against canceling constitutional referendum

An Egyptian court rejected on Wednesday 14 lawsuits which call for canceling the constitutional referendum scheduled for Saturday 19 March.Political…
Ayman Nour demands new investigation of forgery conviction

Ayman Nour demands new investigation of forgery conviction

Prominent Egyptian opposition figure Ayman Nour has demanded that Egypt's Attorney General reopen investigations into a forgery case which saw…
ElBaradei, protesters hail Shafiq’s resignation

ElBaradei, protesters hail Shafiq’s resignation

Egyptian reform figure Mohamed ElBaradei hailed the resignation of Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq Thursday, who headed the country's interim cabinet.Upon…
Egypt army steps should satisfy protesters, says Nour

Egypt army steps should satisfy protesters, says Nour

Opposition figure Ayman Nour, who challenged ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak for the presidency in 2005, said steps taken by…
Tunisian revolution occupies Egyptian Twittersphere

Tunisian revolution occupies Egyptian Twittersphere

On Friday energetic discussions on Twitter followed the latest developments of Tunisia’s "Jasmine Revolution" minute by minute, as thousands of Tunisians rioted,…
3 silent protests in Alexandria express solidarity with church blast victims

3 silent protests in Alexandria express solidarity with church blast victims

Several political movements and parties on Friday organized silent protests in solidarity with the victims of the New Year’s Eve…
Opposition blame Alexandria bombing on regime, urge minister dismissal

Opposition blame Alexandria bombing on regime, urge minister dismissal

Prominent Egyptian opposition figures said today they hold the Egyptian regime responsible for the church attack in Alexandria that left…
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