Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

Sisi’s phone call to female microbus driver was unplanned: MBC editor-in-chief

Sisi’s phone call to female microbus driver was unplanned: MBC editor-in-chief

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi’s Thursday call to “Yahdoth fi Masr” (Happening in Egypt) was a complete surprise to the evening…
Thirty agreements at $3.5 bn signed at ‘Africa 2018’ forum

Thirty agreements at $3.5 bn signed at ‘Africa 2018’ forum

  The “Africa 2018” forum, which concluded on Monday, announced seven important decisions at the end of the forum alongside…
Sisi launches Egyptian-African app startup initiative

Sisi launches Egyptian-African app startup initiative

  Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has launched a mass initiative in app and video game development on Monday, aiming…
Child marriage in Egypt reaches 117,000 children: CAPMAS

Child marriage in Egypt reaches 117,000 children: CAPMAS

An official CAPMAS report announced that 117,000 children under the age of 18 in Egypt are or have been married,…
Egypt’s Sisi discusses economic reform with Central Bank governor

Egypt’s Sisi discusses economic reform with Central Bank governor

  Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi held a meeting with Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) Tarek Amer…
Egypt, Bahrain’s maritime cooperation agreement released

Egypt, Bahrain’s maritime cooperation agreement released

  Egypt’s Official Gazette has released President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s decree No.384 of 2016, on the commercial maritime agreement signed…
Germany, Egypt sign €129 million economic cooperation plan

Germany, Egypt sign €129 million economic cooperation plan

  Investment Minister Sahar Nasr and German Minister of Economic Cooperation Gerd Muller signed an economic cooperation protocol worth 129…
What does Sudan’s President Bashir want?

What does Sudan’s President Bashir want?

From time to time, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir utters something that stirs woes and blow up the case again… This…
Sisi praises police, pre-emptive strikes against terrorism

Sisi praises police, pre-emptive strikes against terrorism

  In his meeting with the Supreme Council of Police on Thursday, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi stressed the need…
Egypt to continue supporting South Sudan: Sisi

Egypt to continue supporting South Sudan: Sisi

Egypt will continue to support development efforts in South Sudan, and will work on strengthening cooperation between the two countries…
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