2011 Egyptian presidential elections

Ghad party launches poster campaign to challenge Gamal Mubarak

Ghad party launches poster campaign to challenge Gamal Mubarak

The Ghad Party has begun its own poster campaign to counter that launched by the Popular Coalition for the Support…
E-battle erupts between ElBaradei, Mubarak Jr. supporters

E-battle erupts between ElBaradei, Mubarak Jr. supporters

The conflict between supporters of Mohamed Elbaradei--a would-be candidate in next year's presidential elections--and Gamal Mubarak--son of President Hosni Mubarak--is…
Official: NDP not to blame for feeble opposition

Official: NDP not to blame for feeble opposition

In a speech to university students on Saturday, Ali Eddin Helal, media secretary for the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP),…
Skeptics question Muslim Brotherhood’s support for ElBaradei

Skeptics question Muslim Brotherhood’s support for ElBaradei

While opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei’s National Association for Change (NAC) attempt to navigate resilient political waters in a quest for…
Thousands from Brotherhood greet ElBaradei in Fayoum

Thousands from Brotherhood greet ElBaradei in Fayoum

Thousands of members of the Muslim Brotherhood greeted Mohamed ElBaradei, the former director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, during…
Campaign to allow expat Egyptians to vote

Campaign to allow expat Egyptians to vote

New York—A mobilization campaign is being launched in the United States to gather expatriate Egyptians together to push for legal…
Expats in US vote in mock Egypt election

Expats in US vote in mock Egypt election

Washington DC--On May Day, Egyptians in America voted for the first time ever in a free and fair electoral process…
ElBaradei: Farmers should join NAC

ElBaradei: Farmers should join NAC

In a statement issued yesterday, Mohamed ElBaradei, former International Atomic Energy Agency chief and potential candidate in the 2011 presdiential…
ElBaradei and Ezz discuss future of Egypt on CNN

ElBaradei and Ezz discuss future of Egypt on CNN

CNN, an American news channel, hosted a debate two days ago titled “The Future of Egypt.” Participating in the debate…
ElBaradei draws a crowd–and Obama comparisons–in Boston

ElBaradei draws a crowd–and Obama comparisons–in Boston

For a couple of days last week, a group of young immigrant students found themselves in possession of some of…
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