In this day and age a website is an essential tool for most small businesses and entrepreneurs. It acts as a business card, a promotional advertisement and a sales tool all working together. But in the past small businesses have had to outlay thousands of dollars to get a basic website online.
A new website:SimpleWebTutorial.com hopes to change all that. Setup by long time web developer Brock Hamilton, as a way for anyone to build and maintain their own professional looking website at a fraction of the cost it would usually require.
"Even people with absolutely no experience in web design or programming, can have a basic website up and running in under 30 mins." Says Hamilton
The website consists of a range of step by step tutorials that take first time web builders through the process of registering a domain name, setting up web hosting and then building the actual website.
"Everything they need to know to get setup is in our main tutorials, and then there are a series of 42 additional videos that show users every aspect of managing and maintaining their websites". Hamilton says.
"The idea for the website came after dozens of friends and friends of friends had asked me to help them setup a basic website for their small local business, or for a business idea they had and wanted to test out without spending thousands on web development."
"I started off helping them get a website setup on a one by one basis, but to be honest, I got sick of explaining the same "very basic" things over and over again, so I decided to setup a website that took them step by step through the process, so they could do it themselves." Hamilton explains.
The website is completely free to use, and remuneration is made by way of affiliate commissions for various recommendations. But remuneration is not required to use the site's tutorials.
About Brock Hamilton:
Brock Hamilton is a web developer with over 10 years experience building websites for small to medium sized businesses as well as selected bespoke personal sites. He has also published an ebook (released exclusively on Amazon Kindle) where he attempts to lead small business owners and would be web developers down the path of building and running their websites for a fraction of the normal costs associated with the practice. For more information, please visit:http://www.amazon.com/How-To-Create-Website-ebook/dp/B00AFGKFJ0.
Visit http://www.simplewebtutorial.com for more information.