
Morsy insists on “constitutional legitimacy” minutes before army ultimatum expires

The Egyptian presidency said on Wednesday a coalition government should be part of a solution to the country's political standoff but appeared to offer no new compromises as a deadline set by the army for a powersharing agreement elapsed.

A statement reiterated that President Mohamed Morsy held opposition parties responsible for obstructing a political initiative that would also set up a panel to prepare amendments to the constitution passed into law last December.

The presidency called on all political forces to engage in a dialogue concerning the roadmap the president has proposed to achieve national reconciliation.
In a statement on Facebook, the presidency said that violating constitutional legitimacy threatens the path of democracy.
"The other scenario that some are trying to force on the country has not been agreed to by the Egyptians who have filled the streets," the statement said, adding that such a move would interrupt the foundation of political institutions.
This statement comes as the grace period set by the armed forces for resolving the crisis is expiring.
Huge crowds in Tahrir Square and Rabaa al-Adaweyah were still waiting to hear the statement after 5.15 pm, over 45 minutes after the ultimatum deadline officially ended.

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