
Lawyers in Suez case asks for copy of Suleiman’s testimony

Lawyers representing officers accused of killing protesters during the revolution requested Wednesday a copy of the testimony given by former intelligence chief Omar Suleiman in the trial of ex-President Hosni Mubarak.

Fourteen suspects – the Suez security chief, nine other policemen and a businessman and his three sons – are being tried on charges of the premeditated murder of protesters in Suez. The court released the suspects on bail on 4 July, pending a review of the case, a move which enraged victims' families.

Suez saw some of the most ferocious confrontations between revolutionaries and police during the revolution.

State-owned newspaper Al-Ahram said on its internet portal Wednesday that one of the defense lawyers in the Suez trial also requested copies of the testimonies of the head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces Hussein Tantawi and Armed Forces Chief of Staff Sami Anan, who are scheduled to appear at Mubarak's trial on 24 and 25 September.

The North Cairo Criminal Court summoned Suleiman, Tantawi, Anan and Interior Minister Mansour al-Essawy on 7 September to testify in Mubarak's trial.

The court's decision to summon Suleiman was welcomed by Mubarak supporters, who gathered outside the courtroom Tuesday in anticipation.

Essawy gave his testimony on Wednesday, also during a closed session. Few details about the sessions has emerged as the military council issued a gag order.

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