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Hot weather hits Egypt starting on Wednesday

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) warned hot weather starting Wednesday, as temperatures will rise across the country with values ​​reaching five degrees Celsius.

The EMA expects Tuesday’s weather to be moderate in the north of the country, Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, until northern Upper Egypt.


Temperatures on Tuesday:

  • Alexandria: 22C
  • Cairo, Sharm el-Sheikh, and Hurghada: 28C
  • Luxor and Aswan: 33C


Moderately hot weather prevails during the day in Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, and northern Upper Egypt, moderate on the northern coasts, and very hot in southern Upper Egypt during the day.

The weather will grow colder at night and in the early morning in the north of the country up to northern Upper Egypt, and moderate in South Sinai and southern Upper Egypt.

There are chances of light rain, which may be moderate, on separate areas of the northeastern coasts at intermittent intervals.

Mist will form near water bodies in the morning on some agricultural and highway roads leading to and from areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, the northern coasts, the Suez Canal cities, and central Sinai.

The EMA called on drivers to be careful, adhere to set speeds and stop driving completely if there is little horizontal visibility on the roads.

Weather maps showed intermittent wind activity in areas of Greater Cairo and South Sinai.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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