
Graffiti artists return to Tahrir, Morsy their subject

Graffiti artists have made a comeback on Tahrir Square, although this time it is President Mohamed Morsy and not Hosni Mubarak or Hussein Tantawi who is the subject of their affections.

Fresh paintings have begun to line the walls of the square, as mass protests across the country continue their call for Morsy to step down and field early presidential elections.

Graffiti artists cleaned the walls of the American University on Mohamed Mahmoud Street before painting an image of the president wearing a prisoner's blue shirt, hanging from the word "leave."

"It is either me or the people,” says Morsy in the new mural.

Some protesters had their pictures taken in front of the murals.

"History is repeating itself – the same graffiti and the same regime obstinance," a marcher said.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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