
Meet your presidential candidate: Hesham al-Bastawisi, the legal fighter

Meet your presidential candidate: Hesham al-Bastawisi, the legal fighter

For decades, Hesham al-Bastawisi led the battle for the independence of the judiciary under toppled President Hosni Mubarak. For years,…
After record 2011 revenue, canal authorities plan development projects

After record 2011 revenue, canal authorities plan development projects

Suez Canal revenues are projected to increase in 2012, after the canal brought in a record amount of US$5.2 billion…
On economics, presidential platforms offer broad strokes

On economics, presidential platforms offer broad strokes

The media and economists frequently ring alarm bells about Egypt’s bleeding treasury and looming cash crisis. It is not uncommon…
SCAF, government vow good relations with Saudi Arabia

SCAF, government vow good relations with Saudi Arabia

The ruling military council and its appointed cabinet have continued vows of maintaining good relations with Saudi Arabia, despite an ongoing…
After months of breaching ban, election campaigns start Monday

After months of breaching ban, election campaigns start Monday

The official campaign period for the presidential election will begin Monday and last until 21 May, though candidates have broken…
Protesters vow to continue sit-in against SCAF

Protesters vow to continue sit-in against SCAF

Protesters in the area of Abbasseya Square said Sunday they would continue their sit-in a day after it was attacked.…
Textile exporters stop working with Israeli industrial zone counterparts

Textile exporters stop working with Israeli industrial zone counterparts

Egyptian public sector textile companies working under the Qualifying Industrial Zones agreement have stopped working with their Israeli part suppliers…
Bearded police officers case postponed to 6 May

Bearded police officers case postponed to 6 May

The Alexandria Administrative Court on Sunday decided to postpone the case concerning bearded police officers to 6 May. A Central…
Salafis endorse Abouel Fotouh, say Morsy’s chances are low

Salafis endorse Abouel Fotouh, say Morsy’s chances are low

The Salafi Dawah and its political wing, the Nour Party, announced on Sunday their endorsement of moderate Islamist presidential candidate…
FJP endorses recommendations for forming Constituent Assembly

FJP endorses recommendations for forming Constituent Assembly

The Freedom and Justice Party’s parliamentary bloc on Saturday endorsed the criteria formulated in a meeting between the ruling military…
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