A number of politicians and experts expressed fear that the formerly ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) could reappear on the political scene.
They also warned that the spreading of what they described as “remnants of the NDP” throughout Egypt’s municipalities and governorates and their extensive plans for the parliamentary elections could ruin the elections.
Cairo University Constitutional Law Professor Atef al-Banna said the presidential elections should be held before parliamentary elections. If it is not, the remains of the former regime could win the majority of parliament seats. Such a scenario would propel the country down the same dark and corrupt abyss from where it emerged.
Al-Banna also warned that NDP members planned to establish a new party during the coming period and that they are planning a counter revolution to regain power over the country. He went on to say that the Muslim Brotherhood would not win the majority of seats in parliament and that they are not seeking power.
Al-Banna said it would be difficult to totally change the Constitution, but that the Shura Council should be abolished, as it had no role in political life.
Nasserist Party Leader Farouk al-Ashri agreed with al-Banna that the presidential election should be held first. He went on to say that the country is still experiencing chaos due to the disappearance of police. He accused the Interior Ministry and the State Security Apparatus of organizing a counter revolution for the benefit of the ousted regime and said that NDP members of parliament and the Shura Council were intentionally creating chaos to promote their interests.
Al-Ashri called for the dissolution of the NDP and the removal of the Emergency Law. He also called on Egypt’s Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to announce the fate of the corruption cases that have not been investigated.
Translated from the Arabic Edition.