
FJP leader: Fraudulent elections for Shafiq ‘over our dead bodies’

MP Mohamed al-Beltagy, secretary of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice party, said that the promotion of presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq looks like it is happening on Mars while Shafiq does not have any support on the ground.

Beltagy said on his Facebook page that there are many businessmen from the ousted regime and dissolved National Democratic Party members that are supporting Shafiq’s campaign for president.

Beltagy claimed that Shafiq's success is impossible barring blatantly fraudulent elections, which will be preceded by ruses in the form of large-scale fabricated security and military problems.

These "farces" will not be accepted and fraud will happen over our dead bodies, he said, saying that the return of Shafiq will be an announcement of the failure of the revolution and a reproduction of the regime of the ousted president with all its corruption and oppression, he added.

Edited translation Al-Masry Al-Youm

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