
41 MB leaders, members referred to trial in Sharqiya

Judge Ahmed De'bes, the public prosecutor of south Sharqiya, referred 41 Muslim Brotherhood leaders and members to the Criminal Court.
The defendants include former MPs Farid Ismail and Amir Bassam and 11 female students. The defendants are being charged with assembling, rioting, joining a terrorist group, demonstrating without permission, possessing weapons, intimidating citizens, murder and attempted murder. 
The defendants staged a march without permission after the dispersal of the Rabaa al-Adaweya and al-Nahda sit-ins, during which riots occurred in Zagazig City, Sharqiya.
Six people died and 36 others were injured in the clashes.
Al-Azhar University female students reportedly stormed the university's administrative building and assaulted the dean and the administrative security personnel in Zagazig.
Twenty one have been arrested and 20 others had arrest warrants issued against them.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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