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Zahi Hawass announces discovery of largest complete archaeological city

Acclaimed Egyptologist Zahi Hawass announced the discovery of the largest complete archaeological city ever found, within the Valley of the Kings where about 2,000 artifacts have been discovered so far.

The archaeological city remains in complete condition due to King Amenhotep III placing foundation deposits in his temple in order to prove later that this city was used by him after King Tutankhamun for 37 years.

During an event at the Prince Taz Palace Creativity Center on Sunday, Hawass proclaimed that antiquities are a great power for every country.

He noted that there are about 240 foreign missions working in Egypt.

Hawass had previously announced a document in Arabic and English on his website asking Egyptians to sign electronically, in order to obtain 300,000 signatures and go to Britain to demand the return of the Rosetta Stone and the Dendera Zodiac.

He said: “We are waiting for the campaign to reach one million people so that we can start moving with the support of the Egyptian government to retrieve these antiquities.”

Hawass pointed out that on September 15, a second document for the return of Queen Nefertiti’s bust will be released, as an official letter was sent to retrieve it in 2010, but that attempt was halted due to the events of the January 25 Revolution.

All records in Germany were searched to find out how the statue of Queen Nefertiti’s bust was taken out of Egypt illegally, and photos of the discovery of the statue in Egypt were attached to the responses to the request for its return.

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