The Egyptian Meteorological Authority predicts hot weather from Tuesday until Sunday during the day in Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt and northern Upper Egypt.
The weather will be moderately hot on the northern coasts, very hot on South Sinai and southern Upper Egypt, moderate at night on Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, South Sinai and the south of the country, while mild at night on the northern coasts.
Weather forecast:
Tuesday, June 14:
Wind activity on areas of the northern coasts and South Sinai at intermittent periods
Chances of light rainfall on areas of the northern coasts and northern Lower Egypt at intermittent periods
Wednesday, June 15 and Thursday, June 16:
Wind activity in areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, South Sinai and the south of the country at intermittent intervals.
Friday, June 17:
Wind activity in areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, the northern coasts, South Sinai and the south of the country at intermittent intervals
Saturday, June 18:
Wind activity in areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, South Sinai and northern Upper Egypt at intermittent periods
Sunday, June 19:
Wind activity in areas of South Sinai and south of the country are expected at intermittent periods.