Egypt’s political climate witnessed on Tuesday unprecedented upheaval when the Egyptian Armed Forces recalled its former chief of staff-turned presidential hopeful, Sami Anan, announcing they are investigating him for “forgery” in his presidential bid, as well as “violating” army rules, and “inciting” against the armed forces, before it emerged that he had been arrested.
In a dramatic televised message broadcast on state-run television, the General Command of the Egyptian Armed Forces announced it will be taking legal measures against Anan, investigating him on the basis of three accusations.
The first was Anan’s declaration of his presidential intention without getting permission from the army – saying he was still subject to army recall.
Alongside this, the statement accused Anan of inciting against the armed forces by causing a disruption between the armed forces and Egyptians, in the video where he declared his presidential hopes.
The third accusation against him, was committing “forgery” in official documents which require submission from any presidential candidate.
In the wake of these dramatic developments, many questions were raised by political circles regarding the potential penalties Anan may face if convicted of the charges.
Anan faces investigation from a military prosecution known for its harsh and rapid verdicts. A number of military experts indicated in media statements that the potential punishments for Anan could be as serious as imprisonment and discharge from the armed forces.
If imprisoned, Taha Said, the former vice-head of the Military Judiciary, speculated to state-run newspaper Akhbar Al-Youm that he could face a jail sentence of three to 15 years.