The nation's privately owned newspapers mostly welcome the protests of police conscripts against the alleged "Brotherhoodization" of the Interior Ministry. The independent press also suggests that Prime Minister Hesham Qandil's Cabinet is coming to an end, while state-owned papers warn against deteriorating political conditions.
In its top headline, state flagship paper Al-Ahram quotes the presidency as warning of "critical conditions" inthe country and calling for a national consensus over disputed issues. Based on a statement from spokesperson Yasser Ali, Al-Ahram reports the president is preparing for a new stage of national dialogue with political forces.
The state mouthpiece also reports that protesters closed the Mugamma in Tahrir Square for a third day and runs a photo of disgruntled citizens standing in front of the building. The newspaper quotes a Cairo official as saying the demonstrations prevented citizens from accessing thousands of services.
State-owned Al-Gomhurriya dedicates its top headline to speculation about a Cabinet reshuffle. The newspaper quotes Nour Party leader Galal Murra Amin as saying the Cabinet issue and the party's other ideas for resolving political problems would be discussed at the national dialogue session scheduled for Wednesday.
Liberal party paper Al-Wafd says Qandil's Cabinet is in its last breath, speculating that US investment firm CEO Mohamed al-Erian, law professor Hossam Eissa or Central Bank Governor Hisham Ramez would be tasked with forming a Cabinet that includes nine new ministers.
But independent newspapers, as usual, see a completely different top story as they report on dissent within the Interior Ministry.
Privately owned Al-Watan newspaper says that a "wave of disobedience" is crushing the ministry from the inside, as thousands of low-ranking conscripts close off security directorates and stage an open strike demanding the resignation of the recently appointed minister, Mohamed Ibrahim, and an end to the "Brotherhoodization" of the ministry. The newspaper describes the protests as "an escalation of anger."
Independent paper Youm7 says that the police are declaring "disobedience against the president" in a nationwide "day of anger." They are also asking for arms for low-ranking officers to guarantee their safety, as well as better medical benefits. In Kafr al-Sheikh, police have reportedly given the governor 24 hours to meet their demands, although they have not specified how they might escalate protests if their calls are ignored.
Privately owned Al-Tahrir newspaper describes the protests as the "uprising of police conscripts," reporting sit-ins in Alexandria, Aswan, Assiut, Beheira, Daqahliya, Beni Suef, Sharqiya, Kafr al-Sheikh, the Red Sea, and Monufiya governorates. The protesters have shut down several police stations and security offices and reportedly want Ibrahim's predecessor, Ahmed Gamal Eddin, to head the ministry again.
Meanwhile, Al-Watan reports on a document reportedly discovered during investigations into the bombing of a residential building in Nasr City last November. The "Jihadist Document," according to the newspaper, details plans to assassinate more than 100 people, including military, police and media personalities, as part of "the opening of Egypt." It also incites the killing of Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa, describes the Muslim Brotherhood as having no religion and calls President Mohamed Morsy an infidel willing to ally with the devil. The document reportedly criticizes Salafis for abandoning the jihad, according to the paper.
Egypt’s papers:
Al-Ahram: Daily, state-run, largest distribution in Egypt
Al-Akhbar: Daily, state-run, second to Al-Ahram in institutional size
Al-Gomhurriya: Daily, state-run
Rose al-Youssef: Daily, state-run
Al-Dostour: Daily, privately owned
Al-Shorouk: Daily, privately owned
Al-Watan: Daily, privately owned
Al-Wafd: Daily, published by the liberal Wafd Party
Youm7: Daily, privately owned
Al-Tahrir: Daily, privately owned
Al-Sabah: Daily, privately owned
Freedom and Justice: Daily, published by the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party
Sawt al-Umma: Weekly, privately owned
Al-Arabi: Weekly, published by the Nasserist Party
Al-Nour: Official paper of the Salafi Nour Party