
Weather forecast: Rains in Sinai, winds in Mediterranean

Meterologists expect relatively pleasant weather in regions extending from the country’s north to the northern sections of Upper Egypt on Tuesday.
Slightly hot weather is predicted during day, though very cold at night in the south.
Low and medium-height clouds are projected to appear in the north, coupled with rains in the west, Sinai in the east and Halayeb and the Red Sea at the south.
Fog will damper vision over the northern coast, Lower Egypt, Cairo and Suez Canal cities. Most winds will be temperate and northwestern.
Navigation will expectedly be disturbed by more active winds in the Mediterranean, where waves will be as high as 3 to 4 meters, compared to the Red Sea’s 1-to-2-meter-high waves, thanks to milder southeastern winds.
Temperatures (highs\lows)
Cairo: 22\12
Hurghada: 29\18
Sharm al-Sheikh: 28\21
Aswan: 30\19
Edited translation from MENA

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