
Traffic back to normal in Tahrir

Traffic moved normally in Tahrir Square Tuesday for the first time since President Mohamed Morsy issued his 22 November constitutional declaration, which granted him wide-ranging powers and ignited protests nationwide.

Calm currently prevails among protesters and street vendors, as the number taking part in sit-ins decreased.

Traffic is flowing smoothly due to the removal of sand and barbed wire barriers at the entrances of Talaat Harb, Qasr al-Nil and the Egyptian Museum streets.

Meanwhile, dozens of demonstrators have entered the 35th day of their sit-in against the constitution draft, which preliminary results indicate was approved by 64 percent of voters.

Some protesters rejected the 90 figures Morsy recently appointed to the Shura Council, Egypt’s upper house of Parliament, which has legislative authority until a new lower house is elected. 

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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