Mahmoud Badr, a member of the 50-member constitution committee and founder of the Tamarod movement which staged the mass protests against Mohamed Morsy on 30 June leading to his ouster, said that the most significant thing about June 30 is that they [the Tamarod movement] led Egyptian will to triumph over US will for the first time in 40 years.
Badr described the US reaction as being "imbalanced" upon seeing Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and other army leaders sitting together with political figures to decide and draw a roadmap for the future of Egypt, driven by popular will and without consulting the United States.
"This caused American politicians to act nervously because Egyptian people managed to spoil the American project for the whole region which aimed to empower Islamist groups and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular since it is the most prominent Islamist organization," Badr told Kuwaiti newspaper al-Wattan.
He stressed the Brotherhood's ousting came with popular demand: "People had given them the chance to rule the country, but they failed to make any breakthrough, whether in politics, the economy or the social situation. They just sought to empower Brotherhood members in order to control all the key positions in the country in a way that provoked people. As a result, people protested and overthrew them."
"The Tamarod movement intends to establish a political party in order to progress from the phase of protest to the construction phase, through communication with all state institutions," according to Badr.
He also praised the formation of the constitution committee: "It is greatly balanced and truly represents society. We seek to write a patriotic, democratic and secular constitution to fit the great Egypt, one which does not discriminate between one citizen and another on grounds of gender , religion, race or bank balance, a constitution that guarantees all the rights of the poor and achieves social justice, in addition to having a [community] consensus and satisfies everyone."
Edited translation from MENA