A group of Tamarod campaign leaders announced Tuesday their endorsement for Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi for president through a statement published on their Facebook page, calling on Sisi to run the presidential race.
The Tamarod leader Mai Wahba clarified to Al-Masry Al-Youm that the statement published Monday evening on the movement’s official Facebook page does not represent the whole movement as it was not discussed by the members of the central committee before being posted on Facebook.
The Tamarod page on Facebook had earlier published a statement calling on Sisi Monday not to run for the presidential race, but the statement was later removed.
Wahba said Tamarod would be the first to back Sisi for president. “[Sisi] is the guarantor to implement the future roadmap approved by national forces and representing the dignity of people who went out on 30 June,” he said.
“The campaign does not mind his nomination because he is a patriotic man who protected Egypt from chaos, civil strife and division schemes, that the Muslim Brotherhood sought to apply,” he added.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm