Tahrir Square was calm on Friday morning after the Union of Revolutionary Youth canceled a demonstration dubbed the “Constitution for all Egyptians” to protest the makeup of the constituent assembly that is tasked with drafting Egypt’s new constitution.
Traffic was smooth and regular as some protesters ended a sit-in they were staging in the square and around Omar Makram Mosque.
The executive bureau of the Union of Revolutionary Youth held an urgent meeting on Thursday evening to postpone the Constitution for all Egyptians demonstration that the union had called for several days ago. The demonstration was meant to protest the Islamist domination of the constituent assembly and to stress that the Egyptian people should have a say in the constitution drafting process, which the union fears is being dominated by party interests.
The union released a statement saying that the Muslim Brotherhood’s repeated selfish decisions since the 25 January revolution, the latest of which is the domination of the constituent assembly, has made its position clear.
Translated from Al-Masry Al-Youm