
Thuggery familiar blot on Egyptian elections

Thuggery familiar blot on Egyptian elections

Egyptians wondering whether to vote in Sunday's parliamentary election must factor in the risk of brawls involving thugs hired by…
Media restrictions, violence turn journos off of elections coverage

Media restrictions, violence turn journos off of elections coverage

Growing numbers of journalists are expressing concern about their ability to cover Egypt’s parliamentary elections on Sunday due to increasingly…
Egypt’s unobserved elections

Egypt’s unobserved elections

As Egypt heads toward elections for the lower house of parliament on 28 November and the presidency in 2011, Cairo’s…
Iraqi Christians seek safe haven in Jordan

Iraqi Christians seek safe haven in Jordan

Amman--A spate of attacks targeting Christians in Iraq has forced many to flee to neighbouring Jordan which many see as…
Anti-discrimination event cancelled for ‘security reasons’

Anti-discrimination event cancelled for ‘security reasons’

Egypt for All Egyptians, a cultural event opposing religious discrimination that was scheduled to take place on Friday in Cairo’s…
Course of referendum undetermined, says Sudanese opposition leader

Course of referendum undetermined, says Sudanese opposition leader

The leader of Sudan’s opposition Umma Party, Sadiq al-Mahdi, said on Sunday that the future of the south's much anticipated…
How violent could it get?

How violent could it get?

Street clashes two months ago between supporters of rival candidates in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Port Said and Daqahliya…
Graft, poverty keep many Afghans away from polls

Graft, poverty keep many Afghans away from polls

 Dirt poor and wearied by corruption, many Afghans put the daily battle for bread ahead of voting in parliamentary elections…
Women’s rights: Legal reforms or social change?

Women’s rights: Legal reforms or social change?

Ten years after a series of legal reforms in Egypt’s personal status laws, more is needed according to women rights…
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