
Sudanese referendum: Deadly clashes in Abyei leave 23 dead

Sudanese referendum: Deadly clashes in Abyei leave 23 dead

At least 23 people have died in clashes between Dinka soldiers and Arab nomads near Sudan's north-south border in the…
Israeli troops kill Palestinian at West Bank checkpoint

Israeli troops kill Palestinian at West Bank checkpoint

Jerusalem--Israeli troops on Sunday shot and killed a Palestinian who approached them at a West Bank checkpoint holding a bottle,…
Run-offs update: Tighter security mitigates violence, observers say

Run-offs update: Tighter security mitigates violence, observers say

Elections monitors and eyewitnesses today report increased security at run-off polling stations throughout Egypt.“The security apparatus wants to avoid any…
Run-offs update: Violence erupts in northern Sinai

Run-offs update: Violence erupts in northern Sinai

Violence erupted today in the Beir al-Abd District in north Sinai as candidates’ supporters clashed in front of a polling…
Egypt’s elections ‘fraudulent’, say rights groups

Egypt’s elections ‘fraudulent’, say rights groups

Systematic violence, bribery, vote rigging, and other election-day infringements marred Egypt’s parliamentary election, said human rights organizations on Monday.“These elections…
Muslim Brotherhood levels fraud accusations against NDP

Muslim Brotherhood levels fraud accusations against NDP

The Muslim Brotherhood in a press statement issued late Sunday night accused the National Democratic Party (NDP) of rigging Sunday’s…
The 4 battles of election day

The 4 battles of election day

Parliamentary elections are taking place in Egypt today, 28 November, amid widespread public indifference. Enthusiasm for elections has been low…
Violence, violations expected in Cairo’s elections

Violence, violations expected in Cairo’s elections

In the early morning hours of elections day, Cairo seemed uncommonly calm. But this potentially vibrant day is nevertheless marked…
Copts will not vote in parliamentary poll, says bishop

Copts will not vote in parliamentary poll, says bishop

Naga Hammadi -- Egyptian Christians in the southern city of Naga Hammadi where six Copts were killed in a drive-by…
Egypt’s photojournalists call for protection at poll

Egypt’s photojournalists call for protection at poll

Egyptian photojournalists urged on Saturday security forces to ensure their safety during their coverage of the parliamentary election scheduled for…
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