US president

Fighting in swing states, Trump also forced to play defense

Fighting in swing states, Trump also forced to play defense

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is being forced to play Electoral College defense with a trip to Iowa, a…
Trump intensifies focus on Harris in final weeks of campaign

Trump intensifies focus on Harris in final weeks of campaign

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Grasping for a comeback, President Donald Trump and his Republican allies are intensifying their focus not…
Defiant Trump defends virus record in 1st post-COVID rally

Defiant Trump defends virus record in 1st post-COVID rally

SANFORD, Florida (AP) — Defiant as ever about the coronavirus, President Donald Trump on Monday turned his first campaign rally…
‘So frustrating’: Doctors and nurses battle virus skeptics

‘So frustrating’: Doctors and nurses battle virus skeptics

MISSION, Kan. (AP) — Treating the sick and dying isn’t even the toughest part for nurse Amelia Montgomery as the…
Trump’s task: Resetting campaign that GOP fears is slipping

Trump’s task: Resetting campaign that GOP fears is slipping

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is running out of time to recover from a series of self-inflicted setbacks that…
Biden hits Trump on economy in critical Pennsylvania county

Biden hits Trump on economy in critical Pennsylvania county

ERIE, Pa. (AP) — With the backdrop of a union facility in a key battleground county of Pennsylvania, Joe Biden…
Doctor says Trump won’t transmit virus, stays mum on tests

Doctor says Trump won’t transmit virus, stays mum on tests

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House doctor said that President Donald Trump was no longer at risk of transmitting the…
Trump official says vaccine expected starting in January

Trump official says vaccine expected starting in January

Trump administration official leading the response to the coronavirus pandemic says the US can expect delivery of a vaccine starting…
Trump unchained? Afghan troop surprise shows pre-election impulse to upend policy
Middle East

Trump unchained? Afghan troop surprise shows pre-election impulse to upend policy

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Less than a month before the election, US President Donald Trump’s abrupt vow to bring home troops…
Trump restarting campaign with White House, Florida events

Trump restarting campaign with White House, Florida events

WASHINGTON (AP) — Looking to shove his campaign back on track, President Donald Trump and his team laid out an…
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