Trump prefers soccer for son over ‘dangerous’ gridiron

Trump prefers soccer for son over ‘dangerous’ gridiron

President Donald Trump said Sunday he would prefer his son to play soccer rather than American football, describing gridiron as…
Taliban to take part in ‘intra-Afghan’ talks in Moscow
Middle East

Taliban to take part in ‘intra-Afghan’ talks in Moscow

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The Taliban said Monday they will participate in what they call “intra-Afghan” talks in Moscow designed to…
EU nations recognize Guaido as Venezuela leader

EU nations recognize Guaido as Venezuela leader

Spain, Britain, France and other EU nations on Monday recognized Venezuela’s opposition chief Juan Guaido as interim leader after President…
Trump wants US military in Iraq to ‘watch Iran’: CBS interview
Middle East

Trump wants US military in Iraq to ‘watch Iran’: CBS interview

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – US President Donald Trump said it was important to keep a US military presence in Iraq so…
Maduro rejects European ultimatum on elections

Maduro rejects European ultimatum on elections

  Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro rejected Sunday an ultimatum by European countries to call snap elections after opposition leader Juan…
Pope Francis lands in UAE for historic visit
Middle East

Pope Francis lands in UAE for historic visit

Pope Francis landed in the United Arab Emirates on Sunday for the first ever visit by a pontiff to the…
European telecoms’ dilemma: Huawei or the highway?

European telecoms’ dilemma: Huawei or the highway?

  It’s a dilemma for European telecoms firms: Should they steal a march on competitors and rapidly roll out next-generation…
Iran unveils long-range cruise missile on revolution anniversary
Middle East

Iran unveils long-range cruise missile on revolution anniversary

    DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran displayed a new cruise missile with a range of 1,300 km (800 miles) on…
Venezuelans rally for and against embattled Maduro on revolution anniversary

Venezuelans rally for and against embattled Maduro on revolution anniversary

  Buoyed by the defection of a top general, Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido predicted Saturday the month of February…
Iran’s Rouhani slams ‘hegemonic’ US over Venezuela
Middle East

Iran’s Rouhani slams ‘hegemonic’ US over Venezuela

  DUBAI (Reuters) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday accused the United States of seeking “world hegemony” and denounced…
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