Netanyahu back in Israel, consults with military
Middle East

Netanyahu back in Israel, consults with military

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned home from Washington on Tuesday, heading straight into military consultations after…
‘Reckoning’ looms for news media as Russia probe clears Trump

‘Reckoning’ looms for news media as Russia probe clears Trump

Donald Trump’s inner circle piled in Monday on the US news media, which was plunged into soul-searching over coverage of…
Gulf states reject U.S. recognition of Golan Heights as Israeli
Middle East

Gulf states reject U.S. recognition of Golan Heights as Israeli

DUBAI (Reuters) – Four Gulf Arab states on Tuesday rejected a U.S. decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan…
Jordan’s King Abdullah cancels Romania trip over Jerusalem embassy announcement
Middle East

Jordan’s King Abdullah cancels Romania trip over Jerusalem embassy announcement

(CNN)–Jordan’s King Abdullah has scrapped a planned visit to Romania following the Romanian Prime Minister’s comments about moving her country’s…
Trump jubilant, vengeful as Russia probe ends in win

Trump jubilant, vengeful as Russia probe ends in win

US President Donald Trump was jubilant Monday — but also looking for revenge — after the Russia collusion report cleared…
Pentagon authorizes $1 bn for Trump’s border wall

Pentagon authorizes $1 bn for Trump’s border wall

Acting Pentagon chief Patrick Shanahan has authorized $1 billion to build part of the wall sought by Donald Trump along…
Jordan Peele scares, and scores, again with new film ‘Us’

Jordan Peele scares, and scores, again with new film ‘Us’

With his new film “Us” blasting to an estimated $70.3 million opening in North American theaters in one of the…
Trump declares ‘complete exoneration’ after Mueller finds no collusion

Trump declares ‘complete exoneration’ after Mueller finds no collusion

US President Donald Trump declared Sunday that he had been completely exonerated after his campaign was cleared of colluding with…
Druze protest Trump’s backing of Israeli sovereignty on Golan
Middle East

Druze protest Trump’s backing of Israeli sovereignty on Golan

MAJDAL SHAMS, Golan Heights (Reuters) – Dozens of Druze Arabs, some carrying Syrian flags and pictures of Syrian President Bashar…
US on edge for Russia probe findings on Trump

US on edge for Russia probe findings on Trump

The US public and Washington’s deeply divided political class on Sunday faced another day of anxiously waiting to learn if…
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