United States of America

Egypt and US cooperate to protect Afghanistan’s wheat

Egypt and US cooperate to protect Afghanistan’s wheat

The governments of the US, Egypt and Afghanistan governments will tomorrow celebrate the signing of a cooperation agreement that seeks…
New York marchers protest Wall Street

New York marchers protest Wall Street

New York City--Several thousand demonstrators marched through the New York financial district on Thursday in a protest led by labor…
Abu Ghraib MP unit to return to Iraq

Abu Ghraib MP unit to return to Iraq

Maryland, USA--The Army Reserve unit tarnished by the Abu Ghraib detainee-abuse scandal has been mobilized to return to Iraq in…
US pay czar to limit executive salaries at General Motors

US pay czar to limit executive salaries at General Motors

Washington DC--The U.S. pay czar will slash the number of top General Motors Co executives who will receive base salaries…
Defense says NY synagogue-bomb plot was feds’ idea

Defense says NY synagogue-bomb plot was feds’ idea

New York, United States--Four men accused of trying to bomb synagogues and shoot down planes in New York last spring…
Obama cancels Asia-Pacific trip

Obama cancels Asia-Pacific trip

Washington--Bowing to political pressure at home, President Barack Obama on Thursday scrapped his trip to Indonesia and Australia next week…
Obama delays Asia trip for final healthcare push

Obama delays Asia trip for final healthcare push

Washington--President Barack Obama on Friday delayed an overseas trip to focus on the final drive for healthcare reform as the…
Obama faces pressure from African-American community

Obama faces pressure from African-American community

President Barack Obama on Thursday faced pressure to help create jobs in African-American communities and deliver an immigration overhaul even…
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