North Korea fires ‘short-range ballistic missiles’ into sea: Seoul

North Korea fires ‘short-range ballistic missiles’ into sea: Seoul

North Korea Saturday fired what appeared to be two short-range ballistic missiles into the sea after vowing to remain the…
Damascus forces surround Turkish army post: monitor
Middle East

Damascus forces surround Turkish army post: monitor

Syrian government forces surrounded a Turkish military observation post in the northwest on Friday after overrunning neighbouring towns, upping the…
UN, France raise concern over Amazon wildfires ‘crisis’

UN, France raise concern over Amazon wildfires ‘crisis’

Paris and the United Nations called Thursday for the protection of the fire-plagued Amazon rainforest as Brazil’s right-wing president accused…
Rohingya still fear safety in Myanmar, repatriation unlikely

Rohingya still fear safety in Myanmar, repatriation unlikely

COX’S BAZAR, Bangladesh (AP) — The repatriation of hundreds of Rohingya Muslims appeared unlikely to proceed as planned Thursday after…
Yemen’s war cut a father’s route to work, now his toddler starves
Middle East

Yemen’s war cut a father’s route to work, now his toddler starves

HAJJAH PROVINCE, Yemen (Reuters) – Before Yemen’s war broke out four years ago Ali Muhammad used to cross the border…
Sudanese celebrate transition to civilian rule
Middle East

Sudanese celebrate transition to civilian rule

Sudan was poised Saturday to celebrate a historic deal between generals and protest leaders for a transition to civilian rule,…
‘Very good’ White House discussions on Afghan peace deal: Trump
Middle East

‘Very good’ White House discussions on Afghan peace deal: Trump

The White House signaled progress Friday in preparations for a peace deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan, saying that discussions…
Yemen separatists say ready for talks in Saudi Arabia over Aden crisis
Middle East

Yemen separatists say ready for talks in Saudi Arabia over Aden crisis

ADEN, Yemen (Reuters) – Yemen’s southern separatists said on Thursday they were ready to attend a summit in Saudi Arabia…
UN urges reluctant EU nations to help stranded migrants

UN urges reluctant EU nations to help stranded migrants

BRUSSELS (AP) — The United Nations refugee agency urgently appealed to European governments Tuesday to let two migrant rescue ships…
World Food Programme to resume food aid in Yemen’s Sanaa
Middle East

World Food Programme to resume food aid in Yemen’s Sanaa

GENEVA (Reuters) – The World Food Programme (WFP) said on Friday it would resume the distribution of food to 850,000…
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