
US promises to keep ISIS fight after ‘100%’ defeat
Middle East

US promises to keep ISIS fight after ‘100%’ defeat

The United States promised Wednesday to stay focused on permanently destroying the ISIS group but asked concerned allies to contribute…
‘Get out of Syria,’ Iranian officials tell US
Middle East

‘Get out of Syria,’ Iranian officials tell US

GENEVA (Reuters) – Senior Iranian figures said on Wednesday that Syria was a top foreign policy priority and American troops…
Greek PM Tsipras visits Hagia Sophia on trip to Turkey
Middle East

Greek PM Tsipras visits Hagia Sophia on trip to Turkey

ISTANBUL (Reuters) – Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras paid a symbolic visit to Istanbul’s former cathedral Hagia Sophia on Wednesday…
Al-Qaeda advance in northern Syria threatens fragile truce
Middle East

Al-Qaeda advance in northern Syria threatens fragile truce

BEIRUT (AP) — It only took a few days for al-Qaeda-linked militants to seize more than two dozen towns and…
ISIS pinned in tiny eastern Syria enclave: SDF
Middle East

ISIS pinned in tiny eastern Syria enclave: SDF

QAMISHLI, Syria (Reuters) – ISIS fighters in eastern Syria are pinned down in a final tiny pocket with their wives…
One dead after protesters storm Turkish military camp in north Iraq: Kurdish officials
Middle East

One dead after protesters storm Turkish military camp in north Iraq: Kurdish officials

  DOHUK, Iraq (Reuters) – One protester was killed and at least 10 others wounded when they stormed a Turkish…
Natural gas fields give Israel regional political boost
Middle East

Natural gas fields give Israel regional political boost

JERUSALEM (AP) — A decade after discovering natural gas fields off its Mediterranean coast, Israel is starting to feel the…
Braving dangerous waters, Iranians seek better life in Britain
Middle East

Braving dangerous waters, Iranians seek better life in Britain

LIVERPOOL (Reuters) – The traffickers told Fardin Gholami that a fishing boat would take him from France to England at…
Putin and Erdogan to hold Syria talks
Middle East

Putin and Erdogan to hold Syria talks

  Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan will hold Syria talks in Moscow on Wednesday,…
Turkey ready to take over Syria’s Manbij: Erdogan
Middle East

Turkey ready to take over Syria’s Manbij: Erdogan

ISTANBUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Turkey is ready to take over security in Syria’s Manbij, where four US citizens died in an…
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