Tahrir Square

Tahrir calm for first night since Friday

Tahrir calm for first night since Friday

Tahrir Square was calm Tuesday night for the first time since Friday, with no clashes between protesters and security forces…
Military council vows to halt attacks on protesters

Military council vows to halt attacks on protesters

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) agreed on Tuesday to call a halt to its violent clamp-down on…
Rights group seeks permission to investigate human rights violations

Rights group seeks permission to investigate human rights violations

The semi-official National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) is requesting permission from the attorney general to investigate human rights violations…
University students in Egypt protest against police brutality

University students in Egypt protest against police brutality

Hundreds of students from Cairo University and Ain Shams University staged protest rallies on Tuesday against the excessive use of…
Against violence

Against violence

It is horrific to watch military and CSF forces ganging up on defenseless citizens, on people who are actually running…
Revolutionary groups call for mass protest on Friday

Revolutionary groups call for mass protest on Friday

Nineteen political groups and several activists have called on Egyptians to attend a mass demonstration in Cairo's Tahrir Square on…
Clinton: Egypt’s treatment of women a ‘disgrace’

Clinton: Egypt’s treatment of women a ‘disgrace’

WASHINGTON — An impassioned Hillary Clinton accused post-revolution Egypt of failing its women as she denounced the stripping and beating…
Journalists accuse SCAF of inciting against media

Journalists accuse SCAF of inciting against media

Journalists on Tuesday accused the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) of inciting Egyptians against revolutionaries and media…
Tuesday’s papers: Military has questions, not answers

Tuesday’s papers: Military has questions, not answers

“The armed forces show sorrow, denial, condemnation; they accuse and question but do not give answers,” reads a headline in…
Clashes near Egyptian cabinet enter fifth day, official death toll 12

Clashes near Egyptian cabinet enter fifth day, official death toll 12

The death toll in clashes between army forces and protesters near Egypt's cabinet building reached 12 early Tuesday, the Health…
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