Saudi Arabia

MPC, Saudi company sign LE12m contract for Magic Land

MPC, Saudi company sign LE12m contract for Magic Land

The Egyptian Media Production City (EMPC) stated on Wednesday that property of the 6th October City entertainment company, Magic Land…
Iran and Saudi Arabia need a ‘fresh security architecture’
Middle East

Iran and Saudi Arabia need a ‘fresh security architecture’

At this year’s Munich Security Conference, several Middle Eastern leaders proposed the idea of a new “security architecture” in the Middle…
MSC chief Ischinger warns of high global danger of war

MSC chief Ischinger warns of high global danger of war

Munich Security Conference chairman Wolfgang Ischinger has warned urgently of the growing security threats facing the world. He told DW…
US tells anti-ISIS coalition to ‘keep eyes on prize’
Middle East

US tells anti-ISIS coalition to ‘keep eyes on prize’

The Trump administration, increasingly concerned that the 74-strong coalition it cobbled together to destroy the Islamic State group is losing…
Saudi Ritz reopens after stint as gilded prison of princes
Middle East

Saudi Ritz reopens after stint as gilded prison of princes

Riyadh’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel reopened on Sunday, more than three months after it was converted into a gilded prison for members…
Saudi writer sentenced to prison for criticizing royal court
Middle East

Saudi writer sentenced to prison for criticizing royal court

A criminal court in Saudi Arabia sentenced a columnist to five years in prison for insulting the royal court, the…
Saudi Arabia allows Indian flights to Israel to use its airspace: Haaretz

Saudi Arabia allows Indian flights to Israel to use its airspace: Haaretz

For the first time, Saudi Arabia has allowed Indian airlines to use its airspace to fly to Israel, marking a first…
Maldives’ embattled president sends envoys to China, Saudi for support

Maldives’ embattled president sends envoys to China, Saudi for support

The embattled president of the Maldives has sent envoys to friendly nations such as China, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to…
Saudi anti-corruption purge winds down, but questions emerge
Middle East

Saudi anti-corruption purge winds down, but questions emerge

Billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal headed outdoors to Saudi Arabia’s terracotta-colored sand dunes over the weekend, after being interrogated, investigated…
Outside Yemen’s rebel-held capital, stalemated war rages on
Middle East

Outside Yemen’s rebel-held capital, stalemated war rages on

In the rocky highlands outside of Yemen’s rebel-held capital, it quickly becomes clear how the Arab world’s poorest country remains…
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