
The emergence of first time voters
Life & Style

The emergence of first time voters

Saturday, 19 March will witness the beginning of a new democratic dawn rising over our beloved country. Among the  developments…
The undemocratic basis of democracy

The undemocratic basis of democracy

Freedom has been on the top of the demands raised by the 25 January revolutionaries in Egypt. Following Hosni Mubarak’s…
Labor and the future of the Egyptian revolution

Labor and the future of the Egyptian revolution

Since 11 February when Mubarak stepped down, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which has assumed leadership of Egypt's…
Brotherhood: We are working to get constitutional amendments approved

Brotherhood: We are working to get constitutional amendments approved

The Muslim Brotherhood said it accepts the proposed constitution amendments and will do its utmost to ensure they are approved…
Free National Coalition Party calls for investigations into sectarian violence

Free National Coalition Party calls for investigations into sectarian violence

Members of the Free National Coalition Party’s founding committee called for an investigation into the Atfeeh church torching as well…
Paradoxes of Arab refo-lutions

Paradoxes of Arab refo-lutions

Serious concerns are expressed currently in Tunisia and Egypt about the sabotage of the defeated elites. Many in the revolutionary…
‘Dubious agencies’ attempt to crush revolution, says Moussa

‘Dubious agencies’ attempt to crush revolution, says Moussa

Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa on Thursday accused "dubious agencies" of attempting to put down the revolution that toppled…
EU and NATO to meet on Libya after raging battles

EU and NATO to meet on Libya after raging battles

Benghazi--NATO and the European Union begin talks on Thursday on a possible "no-fly" zone over Libya after some of the…
Benghazi’s lawyers, Libya’s revolutionaries

Benghazi’s lawyers, Libya’s revolutionaries

Benghazi--As anti-government rebels struggle to hold onto some of Libya’s key coastal towns, the three-week-old uprising against Libyan leader Muammar…
Egypt’s Museums XVIV: The Mohamed Cherif Pasha mausoleum

Egypt’s Museums XVIV: The Mohamed Cherif Pasha mausoleum

On 26 February, a mob attacked the mausoleum of Mohamed Sherif Pasha in Cairo’s Al-Sayeda Naffissa district, looting its entire…
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