rehydration solution

Health Minister: Rehydration solution samples below standard

Health Minister: Rehydration solution samples below standard

Health Minister Adel Adawy has said that according to a report he received from the committee of pediatricians investigating the…
8th toddler dies from Beni Suef rehydration solution

8th toddler dies from Beni Suef rehydration solution

A 9-month-old baby named Mahmoud Sayed Kotb died at Abbasiya Fever Hospital after he was given a spoiled rehydration solution.
UPDATE: 4th toddler dies at Beni Suef hospital

UPDATE: 4th toddler dies at Beni Suef hospital

A fourth child died at the Beni Suef Fever Hospital on Monday after she was given a rehydration solution that…
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