Rabaa al-Adaweya sit-in

Poll: 67% of Egyptians satisfied about method of ending pro-Morsy sit-ins

Poll: 67% of Egyptians satisfied about method of ending pro-Morsy sit-ins

Results of a poll declared on Thursday revealed that 67 percent of Egyptians were satisfied about the method in which…
Preacher Hegazy detained for 30 days as questioning continues

Preacher Hegazy detained for 30 days as questioning continues

Prosecutors in Heliopolis have ordered the detention of prominent Muslim Brotherhood-linked preacher Safwat Hegazy for 30 days, amid investigations into charges…
A divided Egypt converges at Zeinhom morgue

A divided Egypt converges at Zeinhom morgue

Dressed in black, a woman cried bitterly over the body of a loved-one in Zeinhom morgue. Her sisters were gathering…
Those who have lost everything

Those who have lost everything

I had preferred that the Rabaa and al-Nahda sit-ins not be dispersed the way they were on Wednesday, 14 August…
Beltagy blames military for Brotherhood bloodshed

Beltagy blames military for Brotherhood bloodshed

Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed al-Beltagy said on Monday that the military intelligence is the "third party" responsible for all the…
Powder-keg Egypt awaits proper intercession

Powder-keg Egypt awaits proper intercession

There are no signs that the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies will accept a quick political solution after the political…
Strong Egypt Party, April 6 reject breaking up pro-Morsy sit-ins by force

Strong Egypt Party, April 6 reject breaking up pro-Morsy sit-ins by force

The Strong Egypt Party and the April 6 Youth Movement rejected Thursday the cabinet's decision to break up the Rabaa…
Egypt solution hinges on dignified exit for Morsy

Egypt solution hinges on dignified exit for Morsy

European attempts to broker a resolution to Egypt's bloody political stand-off hinge on finding a way for ousted Islamist President…
Security leaders discuss means to break up pro-Morsy sit-ins

Security leaders discuss means to break up pro-Morsy sit-ins

Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim held a large meeting with a number of security leaders to study means of breaking up…
Minister: Morsy likely to be transferred to Tora Prison

Minister: Morsy likely to be transferred to Tora Prison

Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim said on Saturday that ousted President Mohamed Morsy will likely be transferred to Tora Prison, where…
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