Curbing Egypt’s illiteracy through the power of young minds
Main Slider
August 18, 2023
Curbing Egypt’s illiteracy through the power of young minds
What if Egypt takes the initiative to issue a binding decision to eradicate illiteracy for the underprivileged that do not…
Downplaying NATO: Rethinking the significance of the alliance
June 24, 2023
Downplaying NATO: Rethinking the significance of the alliance
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) ex-chief and current advisor to President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, Anders Rasmusse during a June…
It’s Still Round
Featured Opinion
June 6, 2023
It’s Still Round
Paris is an attractive city year-around. I was visiting for two nights staying at the George V, a stone’s throw…
A conversation with an old friend
May 31, 2023
A conversation with an old friend
His voice came as it had come every time during nearly thirty years of our friendship, and after months of…
Peace and Light
May 22, 2023
Peace and Light
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” This famous quote was said, of course,…
The potential of Egypt’s media as a formidable ‘smart’ power
February 26, 2023
The potential of Egypt’s media as a formidable ‘smart’ power
All countries across the globe seek to be powerful enough to achieve its interests inside and outside its borders smoothly,…
Preliminary thoughts on our economic crisis
April 24, 2022
Preliminary thoughts on our economic crisis
I don’t think anyone denies that Egypt is going through a severe economic crisis. Compounded by the global upheaval of…
Opinion: Escaping the Cairo Eye
January 26, 2021
Opinion: Escaping the Cairo Eye
The fact that Cairo is not attractive from above is no secret for those who look at it from the…
Silicon Valley: the ultimate goal, or the beginning of the end? (Part one)
January 18, 2021
Silicon Valley: the ultimate goal, or the beginning of the end? (Part one)
I was watching a promotional clip of Oprah Winfrey’s interview with former US President Barack Obama. He was discussing his…
Islamic Rationalism: A Missed Opportunity?
December 7, 2020
Islamic Rationalism: A Missed Opportunity?
On one of my visits to Germany, while walking in the streets of Munich, I bumped into a sheikh whom I know…