
Clashes rock Beirut as security forces fire tear gas at protest
Middle East

Clashes rock Beirut as security forces fire tear gas at protest

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Tear gas engulfed central Beirut as security forces chased protesters near Lebanon’s parliament on Sunday in a…
Security forces fire tear gas, dozens wounded in Beirut protest
Middle East

Security forces fire tear gas, dozens wounded in Beirut protest

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Security forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets at Lebanese protesters in central Beirut on Saturday in…
Hezbollah wants everyone in Lebanon government, insists on FPM
Middle East

Hezbollah wants everyone in Lebanon government, insists on FPM

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Lebanon’s Hezbollah said on Friday the next government must bring together all sides so that it can…
Diplomats to Lebanon: Expect no aid before government formed
Middle East

Diplomats to Lebanon: Expect no aid before government formed

PARIS (AP) — Lebanon cannot expect to receive international aid for its battered economy until a new government undertakes serious…
Lebanon 2019 budget deficit ‘much bigger’ than expected: finance minister
Middle East

Lebanon 2019 budget deficit ‘much bigger’ than expected: finance minister

BEIRUT (Reuters) — Lebanon’s 2019 budget deficit will be much bigger than expected after a sharp drop in state revenues,…
Angry residents attack Lebanese municipality headquarters
Middle East

Angry residents attack Lebanese municipality headquarters

BEIRUT (AP) — Angry residents attacked the municipality headquarters in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli on Tuesday, smashing windows…
Heavy rain causes floods, paralyzes Lebanon’s capital
Middle East

Heavy rain causes floods, paralyzes Lebanon’s capital

BEIRUT (AP) — A rainstorm paralyzed parts of Lebanon’s capital Beirut on Monday, turning streets to small rivers, stranding motorists inside…
Main Lebanon PM candidate withdraws from consideration
Middle East

Main Lebanon PM candidate withdraws from consideration

BEIRUT (AP) — A possible candidate for prime minister of Lebanon said Sunday he is withdrawing from consideration for the…
Arab region needs extensive economic and social reform: Arab League chief

Arab region needs extensive economic and social reform: Arab League chief

The Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit said on Friday that the Arab region, as shown through current…
Lebanon’s journalists suffer abuse, threats covering unrest
Middle East

Lebanon’s journalists suffer abuse, threats covering unrest

BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanese journalists are facing threats and wide-ranging harassment in their work — including verbal insults and physical…
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