
Wildfires rage in Israel during heatwave
Middle East

Wildfires rage in Israel during heatwave

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Firefighters on Thursday battled wildfires that scorched swathes of forests in central Israel, forcing some small towns…
Netanyahu pledges ‘massive strikes’ in Gaza in third day of border flare-up
Middle East

Netanyahu pledges ‘massive strikes’ in Gaza in third day of border flare-up

GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday he ordered the military to continue “massive strikes” against…
Israeli killed and two Palestinian gunmen dead as Gaza violence persists
Middle East

Israeli killed and two Palestinian gunmen dead as Gaza violence persists

GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) – A rocket fired from Gaza killed an Israeli civilian on Sunday and two Palestinian gunmen were killed…
Gaza-Israel hostilities flare with rocket attacks, air strikes
Middle East

Gaza-Israel hostilities flare with rocket attacks, air strikes

GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Gaza militants fired dozens of rockets into Israel on Saturday and an Israeli air strike killed one…
Israel to free two Syrian prisoners after recovering soldier’s remains
Middle East

Israel to free two Syrian prisoners after recovering soldier’s remains

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel will release two prisoners after the remains of an Israeli soldier missing since 1982 were recovered…
Pope signs Jerusalem declaration on Morocco trip
Middle East

Pope signs Jerusalem declaration on Morocco trip

Pope Francis on Saturday joined Morocco’s King Mohammed VI in saying Jerusalem should be a “symbol of peaceful coexistence” for…
UN Security Council to meet on Golan at Syria’s request
Middle East

UN Security Council to meet on Golan at Syria’s request

The UN Security Council will hold an urgent public meeting Wednesday at Syria’s request on the US decision to recognize…
Jordan’s King Abdullah cancels Romania trip over Jerusalem embassy announcement
Middle East

Jordan’s King Abdullah cancels Romania trip over Jerusalem embassy announcement

(CNN)–Jordan’s King Abdullah has scrapped a planned visit to Romania following the Romanian Prime Minister’s comments about moving her country’s…
US to recognize Golan Heights as Israeli territory Monday: Israeli FM
Middle East

US to recognize Golan Heights as Israeli territory Monday: Israeli FM

Israel says White House officials are preparing an official document to codify support for Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which…
Tiny Israeli sect protests Jerusalem cable car plan
Middle East

Tiny Israeli sect protests Jerusalem cable car plan

JERUSALEM (AP) — A tiny Israeli religious sect is emerging as a major impediment for a controversial plan to connect…
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