
China virus cases drop as foreign fears rise

China virus cases drop as foreign fears rise

Fears mounted Saturday over the rise of new cases and fatalities outside China from the new coronavirus outbreak, as the…
Iran reports 2 more deaths, 13 new cases of new coronavirus
Middle East

Iran reports 2 more deaths, 13 new cases of new coronavirus

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iranian health authorities on Friday reported two more deaths from the new virus that emerged in…
Iran votes in parliament elections that favor conservatives
Middle East

Iran votes in parliament elections that favor conservatives

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iranians were voting for a new parliament Friday, with turnout seen as a key measure of…
New threats emerge in outbreak while China voices optimism

New threats emerge in outbreak while China voices optimism

BEIJING (AP) — Chinese health officials expressed new optimism Thursday over a deadly virus outbreak while authorities in South Korea’s…
Aging Shia cleric a powerhouse in Iraq. What comes after?
Middle East

Aging Shia cleric a powerhouse in Iraq. What comes after?

NAJAF, Iraq (AP) — When Iraq’s top Shia cleric underwent surgery for a fractured bone last month, it sent shivers…
‘From bad to worse’: Dashed hopes may deter many Iranians from polls
Middle East

‘From bad to worse’: Dashed hopes may deter many Iranians from polls

DUBAI (Reuters) – Confrontation with America, economic hardship and an airline tragedy have battered Iranians’ confidence in their leaders, posing…
Snubbed by Gulf, Lebanon’s PM Diab hosts Iranian official
Middle East

Snubbed by Gulf, Lebanon’s PM Diab hosts Iranian official

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab, who is getting the cold shoulder from Gulf Arab states, on Monday…
Khamenei loyalists may tighten grip at Iran elections
Middle East

Khamenei loyalists may tighten grip at Iran elections

DUBAI (Reuters) – Hardliners are set to tighten control of Iran this week in a parliamentary election stacked in their…
Syrian forces seize most of Aleppo province, on eve of Turkey-Russia talks
Middle East

Syrian forces seize most of Aleppo province, on eve of Turkey-Russia talks

AMMAN/BEIRUT/ANKARA (Reuters) – Syrian government forces made significant advances on Sunday in the country’s northwestern Aleppo province, seizing most of…
Warring parties in Yemen agree on major prisoner trade: UN
Middle East

Warring parties in Yemen agree on major prisoner trade: UN

CAIRO (AP) — Yemen’s warring sides have agreed to implement a long-delayed and major prisoner swap, the United Nations said…
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