
Second direct flight route between Shanghai and Hurghada to be launched in December

Second direct flight route between Shanghai and Hurghada to be launched in December

Officials from the Hurghada International Airport have announced that the second direct flight route between Shanghai and Hurghada will be…
Red Sea resorts close due to lack of occupancy: official

Red Sea resorts close due to lack of occupancy: official

The Red Sea Hotels Chamber has received notice from resort owners that hotels and resorts have been shut down due…
Al-Masry Al-Youm monitors stagnant tourist movement in Hurghada

Al-Masry Al-Youm monitors stagnant tourist movement in Hurghada

Al-Masry Al-Youm has monitored the stagnant tourist movement in Hurghada over the past two weeks, following the suspension of Russian…
Plane makes emergency landing in Bulgaria over bomb threat

Plane makes emergency landing in Bulgaria over bomb threat

An aeroplane with 161 people aboard made an emergency landing in the Black Sea city of Burgas on Thursday, following…
Sharm el-Sheikh airport expects 50 international, domestic flights Thursday

Sharm el-Sheikh airport expects 50 international, domestic flights Thursday

Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport Director Abdel Wahab Ali expects 50 scheduled international and domestic flights on Thursday.The flights will be…
300,000 workers in tourism industry at risk in Red Sea

300,000 workers in tourism industry at risk in Red Sea

Approximatelty 300,000 people in the tourism and hotel industry in the Red Sea are at risk of losing their jobs…
Kitesurfing, a creative means of transportation in flooded Hurghada

Kitesurfing, a creative means of transportation in flooded Hurghada

Everybody in the media and on social networking sites is talking about the floods in Alexandria, ignoring what happened in…
Egyptian vet performs surgery on Burmese Python in Hurghada

Egyptian vet performs surgery on Burmese Python in Hurghada

An Egyptian vet performed surgery on a Burmese Python in Hurghada, rescuing the nine-year old reptile from death, according Al-Arabiya…
Kitesurfing becomes popular along the Red Sea

Kitesurfing becomes popular along the Red Sea

The Red Sea attracts hundreds of tourists of different nationalities who enjoy engaging in watersports and adventures like kitesurfing, which…
Navy intervenes to rescue 20 tourists from cruise boat in Hurghada

Navy intervenes to rescue 20 tourists from cruise boat in Hurghada

Egypt’s navy intervened to rescue 20 tourists who were on board a cruise boat in Hurghada, army spokesperson Mohamed Samir…
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