health minister
Case of Abbasseya clash victim referred to attorney general
August 7, 2011
Case of Abbasseya clash victim referred to attorney general
Health Minister Amr Helmy has referred the case of Mohamed Mohsen, a young man who died during demonstrations in Abbasseya…
Health minister denies Mubarak’s health is declining
June 20, 2011
Health minister denies Mubarak’s health is declining
The health condition of ousted President Hosni Mubarak has not changed, and the malignant tumor in his stomach has not…
Health minister: Taxes on cigarette companies to be raised to 70%
May 30, 2011
Health minister: Taxes on cigarette companies to be raised to 70%
Health Minister Ashraf Hatem on Sunday said the goverment will increase taxes on cigarette companies to 70 percent.